Chepstow Plant Services would like to thankyou all for your business throughout the past 15 years !
[Meet the team]
So long and thanks for all the fish.
So today Chepstow Plant Services formally ceased trading. A wealth of memories and a very emotional time but no regrets. We had a ball.
..... and then there were three !
Our UK contract at Duntilland Quarry for Aggregate Industries comes to an end in June 2015 and the last three remaining machines out of an original stock of over 110 machines will become available for sale. We have two well loved and maintained 2009 Komatsu HD605-7 dumptrucks and a 2006 Komatsu PC1250-8 and they are all waiting to find new homes !
When the going gets tough….
The tough get going! Yes all of the clichéd tunes were hummed that morning in August when the Chepstow Services team, were led like lambs to slaughter to take part in a charity event like no other. Little did they know when Jon
Williams signed them up last year that they really would have to take part in - Tough Mudder 2014!